Dr. Evan Antin shares: how far you should walk your dog
And the signs you should call it quits.
Some dogs appreciate lengthy walks, while others prefer to have a stroller carry them most of the way. And whichever walker your pup is, there are some physical cues to pay attention to that indicate when they’ve had enough.
Dr. Evan Antin, a practicing small animal, exotics and wildlife veterinarian at Conejo Valley Veterinary Hospital and member of Fetch’s Veterinary Advisory Board, shares the formula for how far you should walk your dog and other activities if they’re opposed to getting their steps in.
Why are walks good for dogs?
Just like people, dogs benefit mentally and emotionally from being stimulated in new ways outside of the home. During walks, dogs really get to be dogs, smelling everything in sight, including all the pheromones of other dogs and animals about your neighborhood. And, of course, it’s great exercise.
Do some dog breeds like going on walks more than others?
Almost all dogs appreciate going on walks to some degree. Athletic and high-drive breeds, like German Shepherds and Australian Cattle Dogs, love longer and more frequent walks compared to couch potato breeds, like my Chihuahua Henry.
What are some things to consider before taking your dog on a walk?
Weather, especially extreme heat or cold, should be factored in before any walk. Your pet’s age and health are important, too. Many older dogs have some degree of osteoarthritis, and excessive walking or any exercise can actually make things worse off for them.
How can pet parents gauge a safe distance to walk their dogs?
This really depends on the individual. Young, healthy, fit dogs are more than happy to walk several miles, whereas a geriatric dog with some degree of arthritis should have walks limited to as many as a few blocks.
Outdoor temperatures also play a huge factor. On hot summer days, any dog is vulnerable to overheating and heat stroke, especially brachycephalic breeds (aka “smush” faced pups). During the hot summer, I discourage any walks from mid-morning through the afternoon. Heat stroke is very real and often very fatal.
On average, how far should a pet parent walk their dog?
For a healthy dog in comfortable 70-degree weather, 1 to 2 miles (or more) is great. But again, there really isn’t an “average” number here. Always take into account the variables at play: your dog’s age, health condition and ambient temperatures.
How far can a puppy walk?
Overall, puppies shouldn’t be walked as far as adult dogs.
For very young puppies, less than 4 months, it’s discouraged to walk them off your property, but that’s because of infectious diseases. Puppies are vaccinated for things like parvovirus and other severe diseases, but the vaccination process and puppy immune systems aren’t ready for full-on exposure until about 4 months old.
The factor of weather matters every bit as much for puppies. And young puppies, especially small-breed dogs, are prone to hypoglycemia, aka low blood sugar. So if your puppy looks floppy and unstable, they could have low blood sugar. It’s a good idea to bring food or treats on walks for that reason.
How many times a day should dogs go on walks?
Young, healthy dogs appreciate at least one walk a day, but two or maybe three is great for most healthy dogs.
RELATED: Dr. Evan Antin explains: How to tell if a pet is a healthy weight

Are there any accessories pet parents should bring on their walks?
If you’re going more than a few blocks, then bring a collapsible water dish and water to take drinking breaks. And if it’s really hot outside, then bring water for any length of walk. Of course, don’t forget a leash and disposable doo-doo bags, too.
What are signs that a dog is tired of walking?
Keep a close eye on your dog at the beginning of a walk and notice the general enthusiasm. They’re probably pulling you at the leash and trying to smell everything, and, for certain individuals, they also want to urinate on everything, too — my dog, Henry, sure does.
This behavior will likely wane slightly and become more of a steady state degree of sniffing, peeing and leash pulling. Once these behaviors decline even more, then your dog’s probably telling you they’re finished walking.
If your dog isn’t leading the walk anymore, isn’t smelling anything and is just following you, facing down or straight ahead, without looking around or taking in the experience, then they’ve been ready to go home before the walk is over. Some dogs will even stop walking altogether and just sit down along the way.
And if your dog is too exhausted to continue, then you’ll see excessive, deep panting, loopy walking and potentially collapsing. These more-severe signs can be indicative of heat stroke and should be treated as an emergency — make sure to call or visit your vet as soon as this happens.
Do dogs usually walk farther when they’re walking with another animal?
This really depends on the individual. For some, yes, having another pet with them makes the experience more exciting and motivates them to stay engaged. For others, no, particularly if one of the dogs has the potential to be aggressive towards dogs or other animals.
Are there ways to train dogs to walk farther distances?
Perhaps if there’s something in it for them, they can make that connection that if they walk, they get treats. Otherwise, alternative physical activities may be in your dog’s best interest.
What are some walk alternatives that get dogs active?
Playing with toys at home, including classic fetch. Some dogs love chasing laser pointers like cats. Playdates with friend-or-family dogs are great ways to be active, too.
Photo by Dr. Evan Antin and Erik Mclean on Unsplash
The Dig, Fetch Pet Insurance's expert-backed editorial, answers all of the questions you forget to ask your vet or are too embarrassed to ask at the dog park. We help make sure you and your best friend have more good days, but we’re there on bad days, too.